Sunday, November 24, 2013

The sisters come to town!

A brisk fall afternoon, I headed out to find the Santa Fe Airport.  Marsha and Eileen were coming to visit and celebrate Marsha's 60th birthday!  I finally found the airport, next to a junkyard.  I'm not sure I've ever been to a smaller airport.  Well, maybe the landing strip in a small village in Belize, years ago. But that's another story.  Santa Fe Airport is quite sensible, easy parking ($3.00 all day) no parking meters, and entering the building I found one gate for arrivals, one for departures., and no security?!  Those of us waiting made small talk, as two planes were lined up on the tarmack.  Were you waiting for the flight from LA or Denver?  The doors from the tarmack open, and soon I see the sisters; it was the flight from LA!

Soon we arrived and the celebration began.

And, birthday dinner at Geronimo's in Santa Fe..

As you can see by Terry's face, what a fine dinner it was!  Thank YOU, to Eileen and Mike!

Always a sucker for a pretty horse, had to catch this gorgeous painting on the wall...

A rare treat to get together, we celebrated into the night, and then the sisters bunked up, just like in the old days...we did miss baby sister, Janie.

We all agreed we laughed so much more now, than we did in the old days.  Speaking of the old days, Janie was with us in spirit, when I took the girls to go visit Terry at the "farm".  We all stopped and looked at this goose.  We looked at each other and said, "remember when..." and we all cracked up, because we remembered!  Janie must have been 6 or 7, running and crying trying to get away from this big goose flapping his wings and almost airborne hanging for dear life to poor Janie's rump!  It's not nice to laugh at Janie's misfortune, but, this picture of the goose got us laughing so hard we almost cried!    

Poor Janie and the goose

More laughs as we visited the Shidoni foundry and sculpture gardens in Tesuque...

more silliness...

and sitting around a jig saw puzzle brought back good memories of those days long ago...

And best of all...the girls didn't have to do dishes!

And Bella doesn't miss an opportunity for attention, puzzles or not...

Ah, one of the best  things about getting older, is getting together with your sisters.  And, so sad to see them go.  But, they promised to return, and we're all really hoping they do.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of you and the girls! Looks like lots of laughs and wine.
