Saturday, September 14, 2013

What a difference a day makes

Today is a beautiful, sunny, football filled Saturday.  Not so on Thursday, as light rains were our companion as we we headed north on Highway 68 which runs by the Rio Grande for a drive to visit Taos....

Taos Plaza

 And the rain continued, and began to get heavier as we headed into the mountains, to Angel Fire (11,000 ft. elevation) to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (  which was inspired by the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Westphal, who lost a son in an ambush in Vietnam.  The gray and wet day seemed appropriate for our visit.
Angel Fire, NM

A somber reminder of war

A touching tribute
A beautiful location in the mist

We left Angel Fire and continued east through the Sangre de Cristo mountain range, a spectacular drive into aspen groves, and beautiful pines, twists and turns and then ....Terry quickly pulls off the road and we quietly enjoyed the surprise sighting of ....

a beautiful herd of elk

Windows open, rain pouring, this was the best shot I could get of a small group ofo a herd of at least 30 magnificent elk.  We headed home, as rain was unrelenting and low lying clouds were creating a rather mystical driving experience.  We really welcomed the rain, but travel angels were with us, as we had no idea rains had unleashed boulders on Hiway 68 and the road had to be closed.  Today's headlines "State grapples with floodwaters, mud and rock slides as storm bears down".  Photo shows a hydrographer hanging over the Rio Grande river measuring the flow.  A few days earlier he measured water moving 240 cubic feet per second; Friday it was in the thousands of feet/second."  Driving home, we saw dry arroyos now flooding. Wild waters a result of a late arriving monsoon.  Morale of the story:  be a bit more mindful of how quickly the weather can change.

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