Monday, August 25, 2014

Quick! Where's your camera?.

August 25, 2014.

It's been a while since I've written, but this morning found more good news in the yard ... Terry says, "hurry, get your camera!" Excited I immediately wake up, and fumble for my camera.  Terry leads me to the front porch and points to a tiny hole in the ground under the tree.  "Bunnies, there! he says."

I finally see Mama, she pops her head out of the burrow.  I get lucky and get a closeup, before my first cup of coffee.  He says, "wait, there's more..."

Mama bunny peers outside...

"More?" My mind still sleepy questions, "Bunnies?? As in more than one?!  Where?" I try not to frighten the mama, as I sneak closer, and my heart is probably beating as fast as mama bunny.  My eyes adjust and I begin to see...more...
baby bunnies? !
This is a first!  We see bunnies every day bounding and bouncing in the fields,,, but, a nest, outside our front door?
they awaken!
I'm afraid to breathe, to move or snap a picture... not wanting to frighten mama and her new babies.

a couple heads, a leg...

I begin to feel like a voyeur, and decide to slowly creep back onto the porch and give the little guys their privacy. Terry takes off for work saying "have fun!"  Not bad for a Monday morning.