Saturday, December 7, 2013

Snowed in...a trip down memory lane.

It's Saturday, December 7, 2013.  We're seriously snowed in.  Thermometer reads 19 degrees when Bella wants to go outside this morning.  She's back at the door wanting in sooner than normal.  A quick look at Facebook has lots of posts around the country talking about cold weather, and memories of Nelson Mandela.  Today remembers another sad day, the attack on Pearl Harbor.  My niece in northern California posts snow might jeapordize wine tasting in Sonoma.  I feel nostalgic and open my photo album and wander down my own memory lane.  Good time to write, I hear football is on downstairs.

This picture brings back happy memories of our last Christmas back home.  We'll be spending this Christmas in someone else's home this year, and all of these things are in storage now.

I remember this picture.  I saved it a few years ago as we were contemplating moving and leaving our friends and family behind.  It was a big decision.  This still speaks to me.


I do miss being able to see our wonderful family and friends...this is one of my favorite photos...a very special annual get together of Cynthia Miller, her mum, Rosalie, visiting from England with my godmother, Vania.  

Going WAY back in time...happy times celebrating something in a limo, with Sara and Wayne,

And more happy times back home when all my sisters, Lindsey and friends gathered in my home...

but, now, we are very happy to live in a forest outside of Santa Fe.  This is our back yard. 

A fire crackles in the fireplace downstairs.  It reminds me of the day, a few weeks ago, we knew we had to go find more wood.  It was a good day.  We found our new friend selling a 1/2 cord of wood by the side of the road.  We bought it, and he followed us in his truck and he delivered it for us.  

None too soon...more snow came as soon as Terry and I had stacked the wood on the deck.  It was fun.  

Life is very different now.  Terry says we're out of kindling, but his ax is in the back of the truck, but the cover is frozen shut.  The pond is almost frozen over.  Terry bundles up and goes outside to break the ice to let the Koi breathe.  

Good grief, I've lost track of time.  It's time to close the photos and leave memory lane.  It's time to go downstairs and see what game Terry is watching, and get back to the present.  GO BUCKEYES! Time to make lasagna.  Time to plan for special friends and family who are coming to spend Christmas with us.  Life is good!  Wishing all of you a wonderful holiday season!